20 September 2022, Comments: 0


Headteacher’s Blog

Monday 19th September 2022

Welcome back to a shorter but very busy week at RTS. Thank you to everyone who came into school to sign the school’s book of condolence. It was incredibly moving to read many of the Childrens comments. The book will be kept in the entrance hall this week for parents to read.

After school on Monday, we welcome Richard Wilton from the Music Foundation who will be holding a demonstration event from 3.30pm-4.30pm for children interested in learning a brass or woodwind instrument. Parents and children interested are welcome to come along.

On Wednesday the children will be enjoying the M&M performance of ‘The Secret Garden’ Thank you to the Friends of RTS for helping to fund this event.

We have already had our first prospective parents for September 2023 taking a tour of the school and there are more tours available on Friday 23rd. If you know someone who is considering making an application, please ask them to book themselves onto a tour via the school office.

Last week the children nominated for excellent behaviour and good manners joined Bob and myself, in the staffroom for Tea and Cake on Friday afternoon.

The photograph below shows them enjoying themselves. I look forward to welcoming more chosen children for cake next Friday.

Very sadly we have had further issues with youths on the school site over the weekend. They have damaged the gate to the wildlife garden and made holes in our polytunnel. If you see anyone on site who should not be there, please contact NY police as soon as possible,

Thank you

Andrew Symonds

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