Welcome to what we all hope will be the last week of lockdown for everyone. The first day of the week sees us enter a new month and combined with the spring sunshine many of us have enjoyed over the weekend does help to support a sense that new beginnings are just around the corner for us all.
This week will see each class receive the detailed updated re-joining instructions for Monday 8th March. Please take the time to read through them so you are ready for the full re-opening of school in one week’s time. We will also be publishing our latest newsletter to families.
This week is the 2nd week of Fairtrade fortnight and also sees the celebration of World Book Day 2021 on Thursday 4th March. We are not dressing up this year but will be marking the day with lots of activities which focus on the celebration of reading, look out for details which will be published on the school’s seesaw pages.
Remote learning will continue as normal for all children learning from home and we look forward to welcoming all children back to their classrooms on Monday 8th March.
Andrew Symonds