Welcome to the start of another busy week,
Before passing on messages about the week ahead I would like to say well done to everyone for the fantastic job that you are all doing! I know from speaking to many parents that the latest lockdown is a tough experience for everyone; there are days when simply surviving and getting to the end of the day is enough of a success. The weather is miserable and cold and there is no immediate end to the current restrictions; everyone’s mental health and wellbeing is taking a bit of a battering . I want you to know that we think you are doing a wonderful job. We have an incredibly hard-working staff who want to provide your children with the best possible learning experiences; we will continue to set and respond to lots of work each week via our seesaw links. We will be building upon the live sessions which we began across key stage two last week and hope to rollout across key stage one this week; please be patient with us as we overcome the technical hiccups which technology throws at us.
We want everyone to know that we are there for them. The first priority is that our children know that they are safe, loved and cared for. When days go well and everyone succeeds, congratulate your children for their achievements and give yourself a pat on the back. However, on the days when nothing works, and the challenge of balancing your own work commitments and the needs of your children heaps extra pressure on you please remember to give yourselves and your children a break. We know that everyone’s circumstances are very different and we appreciate that it isn’t always possible to keep every plate spinning at the same time. All we ask is that everyone does the best that they can. Please remember we are here for all our families and if you need to get in touch please do. Whether it is for support with learning or just the need for reassurance and support, we are here for you.
Stay safe, take care and remember that we think you are amazing.
This week the theme of our worship times is ‘Peace’ and how we all need it, please look out for the links via seesaw and You Tube. We will also be handing out super pupil certificates to children both in and out of school.
Below is the first picture of a very special piece of equipment which arrived in school and was constructed by Mr Gibbons. Whilst it may look like a space robot it is in fact Mrs Crisell’s brand new growing tower which she is going to use to grow enough produce to feed a class using the same technology as the space station. I look forward to showing you the changes over the next few weeks as Mrs Crisell gets things growing.
Mr Symonds