Before we look ahead to what is the first busy week of the festive season, I would like top to celebrate the achievements of some of our younger children. On Wednesday last week Mrs Phelan and Miss Sherwood took a group of year two children to a KS1 sports event. The children had a brilliant time, competed wonderfully, and behaved beautifully. Thank you to the staff and parents who supported the event, Photos at the bottom of this blog.
Also thank you to everyone who organised and supported the Christmas Fizz evening at St John’s last week, it was a fantastic event enjoyed by everyone.
On Monday the children at KS1 will continue their rehearsals for the nativity which will be performed on Monday and Tuesday afternoon next week. In the afternoon our school council will be holding their autumn term meeting supported by Mrs Phelan. We also welcome Choirs from other schools who will be rehearsing with our children for the Christmas Conference Centre during the afternoon.
After school the school will be holding our Advent Service at St John’s Church. The service will start at 4.30pm. The Lantern procession will set off from the main entrance of RTS at 4pm. Thank you to all the parents who have returned permission slips for the lantern carriers. This is a magical service and I hope that you will be able to join us.
On Tuesday morning Swaledale and Nidderdale will be visiting Harrogate Grammar School to see a special performance of ‘A Christmas Carol’ performed by the students. Back at school in the afternoon we will be having a special afternoon of shared learning on the theme of ‘The Light of Christmas’ involving all of the children.
Wednesday sees Ribblesdale and Dentdale Classes visiting Bilton and Woodfield Library. On Thursday Wharfedale Class will be having a Pyjama Day to celebrate the fact that they have achieved their Bronze Class Target for the autumn term.
Friday is the busiest day of the week as we hold our first proper Christmas Fayre for a number of years. As well as stalls and games there will be refreshments, chocolate tombola and the fantastic raffle. Please buy your tickets and come and enjoy the fun after school.
Finally, the school will also be participating in the St John’s Christmas Tree Festival with a Christingle Themed Tree. The festival starts on the 5th of December, please go and have a look for our tree and the wonderful tree created by the Kitchen Team at RTS.
Andrew Symonds