We have finally made it out of a very wet February and into March. Before we look at a busy week ahead I need to congratulate some of the school’s chess players who took part in the Harrogate Chess Championships on Saturday. RTS children came 2nd at the event hosted by St Aidan’s with Dylan winning the year three event and Francis coming second in the year four competition. Well done to everyone who took part and the parents who supported the children. We are looking to run a year 1/2 chess club in the summer term for children interested in learning how to play.
Unlike chess football tends to be played outside and so special mention must go to Mrs Saunderson, Mrs Chase and the year 1&2 football team who qualified for the regional finals by performing brilliantly during awful conditions at Harrogate Town FC on Friday afternoon.
This week is the 2nd week of Fairtrade Fortnight and there is still time for children to bring in their fairtrade wrappers and labels to earn a sticker from our community ambassadors.
On Monday the third group of children from year 5/6 will begin their Bikeability training whilst at 3pm children from Mrs Else’s violin group will be performing to the children in Bishopdale. After school it is week two of ZEN club as well as Choir practice.
Tuesday sees us welcome Jim McPhail from the Gospel Hall who will be leading our worship on the theme of Resilience, which is one of our school values. On Tuesday afternoon the charity Barnardos will be working with a group of children who are going to become equality ambassadors for the school. After school it is week two of Netball Club.
Wednesday is week eight of Harrogate Drama Club, the final week of Board Games Club and week two of Science Club. Sporting Influence will continue to run their sports wellbeing club at the same time.
Thursday is a special day as the children and staff all celebrate World Book Day 2020. There are lots of special events planned. It is also a free non-uniform day with the children given the opportunity to dress as famous book characters. Look out for photos on the school website.
Friday sees the children from EYFS and Year Six having their year group photos taken by Tempest.
The photos below show the yellow jumper winners and our slightly soaked football team
Finally please remember to check your e mails for all updates regarding the spread of Coronavirus. We are reinforcing the good hygiene message with all of the children at school and will always forward public health messages to you as soon as they are received.
Andrew Symonds