This week will see the school celebrating National Storytelling Week 2022 with the children enjoying the opportunity to listen and share stories from home and around the world. On Tuesday we look forward to welcoming Lesley Taylor from Bilton Methodist Chapel who will be leading our key stage two worship time.
Thank you to everyone who supported the Friends Bags to School event last week, I look forward to providing everyone with a total raised in due course.
You may aware that I have challenged every class in school to participate in a big spring clean in school with a prize going to every class who has taken the time to spruce up their cloakrooms and tidy out their drawers.
Cases of covid-19 in school have continued to stabilise in recent days; we have been very fortunate to maintain excellent levels of staff attendance in school at a time when I know many fellow headteachers who have faced significant difficulties in staffing their classrooms due to covid-19. I would ask everyone to remain alert to the signs of covid-19 and remember to lateral flow if you are in any doubt. We will hopefully see a continued fall in the numbers of cases in school as we approach half term.
I welcome some of the children from Coverdale to join my blog this week. The Children in are keen to tell you what they have been learning in school last week. Please follow the QR code to hear what they have to say.
The link below will take you to the literacy trust story tellers page where you can enjoy stories for all age groups.
Andrew Symonds