Welcome back at the start of what is always a fantastic half term for everyone in school.
As we approach the festivals of remembrance, please remember that the children will be able to make a donation for a remembrance poppy or purchase one of the Royal Legion items during the mornings at school over the next two weeks.
On Monday we will begin the new term with a whole school worship, on Tuesday we look forward to welcoming the Methodist Chapel to lead our worship, the theme for worship this term will be the gift of peace.
On Wednesday after school Lantern Building Club will begin as we build toward our Advent Service at St John’s Church on Monday 28th November at 4.30pm. Also on Wednesday the children will be enjoying a bonfire lunch at school prepared by Jo and her fantastic team.
The scholastic bookfair will arrive at school on Thursday, look out for more information about this next week.
On Friday Coverdale Class will be visiting Harlow Carr Gardens for the opportunity to learn how to make festive wreaths and enjoy an autumn walk.
Finally during Friday afternoon, the classes at school will be given a fire safety talk by the NYCC team in time for Bonfire Night.
The photos below show the children from Coverdale learning to make Greek flatbread whilst Wharfedale Class learned to make Greek pots, both were practical lessons and part of their study of the Ancient Greeks. It also shows the Worship Ambassadors presenting Harvest Gifts to the Harrogate Foodbank.
Please don’t forget to put Tuesday 8th November in your diary if you have a child in KS2 and would like to know how to support your child as a reader. Our Reading evening will start at 6.30pm in the hall with refreshments provided.
Andrew Symonds