Welcome back to that start of the new Spring Term at Richard Taylor School. I genuinely hope that everyone had a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year Period.
We are all ready for a very busy Spring Term with lots to look forward to with highlights including Space Camp for children in year six; the arrival of our duck eggs ready to hatch; Fairtrade Fortnight, World Book Day, Comic relief and a very special project allowing children the opportunity to learn more about the challenges which the elderly face every day.
We have a full curriculum plan to get through as well as Friends events, after school clubs and whole school celebrations to enjoy.
Please remember that Tuesday 3rd January is a staff training day with school re-opening to children on Wednesday 4th January 2023. The first newsletter of the year will provide parents with all key dates for your diaries and ways in which you can get more involved in the life of the school.
I look forward to seeing you all again at the start of term and on behalf of everyone at RTS may I wish you a very happy new year.
Andrew Symonds