3 July 2022, Comments: 0

I would like to begin by thank everyone for their support last week during our inspection. As I explained in my communication on Friday, the results have to be validated before publication. This is a process that will take us to the end of the school year. We will share the result with parents as soon as it is formally released.

We appreciate that last week a number of events, including open classrooms and new starter visits had to be postponed due to Ofsted’s visit. We are seeking to get them back into the diary as soon as possible. We are planning to hold our re-arranged new starter visits on Thursday 7th July, following the same timings. The rearranged time of our open classroom visits will be confirmed as soon as possible. We are looking at a day early in the week beginning 11th July and want to give as much notice as possible to everyone who wishes to attend.

This week the highlight will be our Year Six Performance of the Musical ‘Porridge’ which takes place on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Tickets area available from the school office. Some of the cast can be seen talking about the show in the QR codes below.

There are a huge number of events taking place this week. On Monday the Archaeologist, Jess Waters will be speaking to the children of Coverdale Class.

Tuesday sees Nidderdale and Swaledale Classes spending the day off site learning about the moors and dales of North Yorkshire. Back at school the youngest children will be the first to enjoy an afternoon performance of the Year Six Musical.

Tuesday afternoon at 2pm sees the school hosting the second session of the parents wellbeing group. Mrs Styles and Ms Robertson look forward to welcoming any parent who wants to come along for a cup of tea and a chat.

On Thursday we will welcome our September new starters for a transition session in EYFS. Meanwhile Dentdale and Ribblesdale Classes will be visiting Tropical World on a trip.

In the afternoon the children in Wharfedale and Wensleydale will get to enjoy a science talk from our guest speaker, Jules Pottle.

Finally, everyone will now be aware that cases of the omicron variant are now rising locally. I would ask that everyone remembers to take sensible precautions and keep their children off school if they are unwell.

Thank you,

Andrew Symonds

The Yellow Jumper Winners from last week.

Part One Part Two



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