Welcome to the last week of what has been another half term full of challenges. I would like to thank everyone for the amazing response they have made reacting so brilliantly to another extended period of home learning for the majority of our families. We recognise the additional stress that this challenge has brought, but we want everyone to know how grateful we are for the positive way in which everyone has responded to the increased demands that managing remote learning will have brought.
We also know that all of our children will be tiring at the end of a long half term and want everyone to be kind to themselves during that last week of term and manage workloads carefully as we approach the half term break.
Tuesday sees everyone marking ‘Safer Internet Day’ with activities and signposts to further advice. It has never been so important to ensure we are aware of the possible dangers which children can experience when accessing the internet. The school’s website has a page dedicated to learning how to stay safe on line and Mr Starkey will be leading a special worship on Tuesday for everyone to enjoy and learn from.
The weather for the week ahead is full of wintery warnings. We will be watching the forecast carefully. Please look out for updates and remember to give yourself extra time if you are making the journey to school. Make sure that your children are dressed for the temperatures we expect to see and please stick to the gritted paths in school when dropping children off at school.
The school is racing ahead in the ‘Journey to Tokyo’ event hosted by the Harrogate Sports Partnership. We have made it as far as Russia but still has a long way to go so remember to add your miles to the school’s total. We will also be announcing a special sports challenge on our PE challenge website for every child in school to participate. Please login and have a go.
I hope that everyone can have a break of sorts over the half term period. The Prime Minister will be making his next formal announcement on the re-opening of schools on Monday 22nd February. We will be providing an update to all parents following this official update.
Thank you again for all of your support this term, it is greatly appreciated by everyone at school.
Mr Symonds