I want to start this week by thanking everyone again who kindly donated food during our Harvest Festival. The donations were collected by the Harrogate Foodbank and will go to people from across Harrogate in desperate need.
This week sees the beginning of our virtual bookfair. Everyone should have received information regarding the way to chose and pay for a book. Thanks to Mrs Simpson for the extra work she has put into organising this in line with covid guidelines.
This week is always a special week in the school’s diary with two important annual events falling in the same five-day period. On Wednesday we will be holding our special service of remembrance in our class bubbles to remember those who served, and continue to serve, our country. This will include a 2 min period of silent reflection.
On Friday the BBC are holding their annual fundraiser for ‘Children in Need’. Whilst we cannot hold our traditional ‘Pennies for Pudsey Picture’ event, we do want to support the work of such an important charity. Each class is sponsoring a colourful rubber duck. Children can make a donation on the day in their classes and the children will watch their ducks virtually at 1pm in the BBC great duck race online. The winning class will receive a prize provided by the school. Children can wear Pudsey t-shirts etc on the day but we ask that they do not bring Pudsey Bears into school inline with our current guidelines.
I want to congratulate both Maddy Eastwood and Emily Price for the special recognition they received for eco activities. Maddy received a Blue Peter ‘green eco’ badge and Emily received a reply from our MP Andrew Jones when she wrote to him with a fantastic suggestion for an environmental project.
We also need to congratulate Nidderdale Class who came third in the Harrogate Town FC Schools ‘Active October’ challenge. Congratulations to everyone who participated and to Mrs Norman for organising the classes participation.
Finally, last week we sent out a reminder to all parents with regard to our response as a school to the current national lockdown. With specific regard to the wearing of masks by parents in the playground the guidance remains clear that the wearing of masks outside is not mandatory and does not appear in any requirements or recommendations to schools as a method of mitigating the risk of infection, whilst we support all of those who make this choice, our one-way systems, staggered starts and social distancing policy combined with the nature of our site allows us to remain safe. Those schools in Harrogate who are enforcing mask wearing on site have playgrounds and exit points which do not allow parents to maintain a safe social distance whilst on site.
Finally, this week would normally see us hold our annual new parents reading information evening. In place of a physical event all new parents will receive a presentation prepared by staff with advice and guidance on how to support their children as new readers.
Stay safe
Andrew Symonds