It was lovely to see our school community back together again last week. Everyone looked very smart; the children were certainly eager to impress their new teachers. We particularly welcome our new children and families joining Bishopdale and Airedale.
We started the week with an outdoor whole school worship to celebrate being altogether again. The theme of our worships this half term are The Parables Jesus told. This week we are thinking about the parable of The Wise man and the Foolish man and will discuss what it means to be wise. Tuesday worship will be led by St.John’s.
Thank you for following our one way system to avoid congestion moving both ways at the school gates. The contractors have finished using the car park but we would ask you not to use this entrance for safety reasons. There are often cars leaving towards the end of the day and we want to keep everyone safe.
It is wonderful that we are able to introduce some curriculum enrichment clubs after school. Please look out for the letter with details for this term. Music lessons have started back too. If you are interested in taking up learning an instrument, please contact the school office or Mrs Wake for more details.
We look forward to another week of learning and friendship in school.
Mrs Crisell