14th April 2015
Dear Parents
Summer Letter 1
Welcome back to what is always a very busy and enjoyable Summer Term. The first newsletter of the term includes a number of key dates for your information including Sports Day and the Leavers Service.
Easter Events
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Great Egg Drop at the end of last term, we have put photographs of the winners onto the school website. Please take a look at the very clever designs that the children produced.
Staffing Changes
I am writing with important news regarding staffing changes for September 2015. I begin with the sad news that Miss Stockmann will be leaving us. She has been with the school since qualifying 4 years ago and has been a wonderful addition to our team. With youth on her side, she has taken the decision to experience life in a different part of the world. From September she will be teaching in an international school in Dubai. This is a wonderful opportunity for Miss Stockmann and whilst she will be very sad to leave us and we are very sad to lose her. I’m sure that she will have a fantastic time, the weather will certainly be an improvement.
The governors have already begun the search for her replacement and I am sure that we will again have a high quality field to select from. I will be announcing Miss Stockmann’s replacement later in the Summer Term.
Thank you to everyone who supported the fantastic Bunny Bounce event before the break. If you have any outstanding sponsor money, please return it to the school office as soon as possible.
The Friends meeting to organise events for this term will take place on Wednesday 15th April at 7 p.m. Please come along if you are able to help with this terms fundraising and fun.
Bilton Gala
On Monday 4th May, Bilton Gala will take place on the school field. The school is joining with our friends from Bilton Grange to enter the parade. A letter went out prior to the holiday with the details for this event. The theme is Circus; if you missed the letter but would like to participate in the parade, please let the office know. If you have lots of chocolate left over from Easter, please save some for Friday 24th April, which will be a non-uniform day when children will be asked to bring in chocolate for the Friends chocolate tombola on the day of the Gala. Thank you. The Friends desperately need help running their stall on the day, please contact the office if you can help.
Maths Morning
On Friday 17th April, the Friends will be holding a coffee morning in school as part of a special maths morning. Mrs Crisell, our maths leader, will be working with parents to support their understanding of maths skills in school and there will be an opportunity to visit the classrooms and the children in action.
Owl Adventures
On Friday 24th April we have invited ‘Owl Adventures’ to spend the day with the children in school. They will be bringing a range of birds of prey for the children to learn about and get close to. It will be a great day which the children will all enjoy.
Road Safety
You will have noticed the bright road safety banners which have appeared outside both entrances to school. They provide a clear message for everyone; the safety of our children around school at the start and end of the day is
everyone’s responsibility. With more children arriving on foot with the improved weather, please follow the advice on the banners and play your part in keeping the roads safe for our children. Thank you.
New Road Safety Officer
I am delighted to announce that the school has our very own lollipop man. Mr O’Neill has kindly agreed to take up the role on Bilton Lane and will be there at the start and end of the day. Please say hello and welcome him to Richard Taylor School. We are very grateful that Mr O’Neill has committed to fulfilling such an important role. Please drive safely and remember to stop when you see the lollipop.
Choir News
The choir are busy preparing for their big charity concert at the Royal Hall in Harrogate on 8th May. The Kids Aloud 2015 concert is a fundraiser organised by the Rugby Club of Harrogate. The concert begins at 7.30 p.m. I hope to see many of you there. Mrs Wake has more information about ticket availability. To promote the event the choir will be singing at ASDA on the afternoon of Wednesday 15th April; pop along if you want a free taster.
Testing Timetables
The national tests for all Year 6 pupils will take place during the week beginning Monday 11th May. These are important tests which are delivered against a nationally organised timetable. If you have a child in Year 6 and they are unwell on any of the days in that week, please notify the school office as soon as possible.
During the same week, children from Year 2 will be completing some of their teacher assessments used to produce an end of KS1 school attainment. Please do everything possible to make sure that your children are in school during the week.
Assessments for other cohorts may take place during the week beginning 15th June 2015.
Gardening News
The gardening club at school will be gearing up for a busy term with our vegetable beds being prepared for planting. The peace garden has plenty of space for new additions. If you are a keen gardener and have spare plants which we could plant in our peace garden, please let us know.
Year 6 Performance – Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies
This year’s Year 6 musical production is called ‘Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies’. It will be performed on Thursday 25th June and Friday 26th June starting at 6.30 p.m. Tickets will be available nearer the event.
St. Michael’s Hospice
Ray Mortimer, artist of Postman Pat and other much loved characters, will be exhibiting his work at St. Michael’s Hospice between 11.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m on 18th and 19th April. On Sunday at 2.00 p.m., Ray will be doing a talk about his work followed by a mini auction.
.Dates for the new term
The diary is already full for this term, below are a couple of the key dates for you to add to your diary.
Wednesday 15th April 7 p.m. Friends meeting
Friday 17th April Coffee and Maths morning
Friday 24th April Non-uniform for Bilton Gala
Monday 4th May Bilton Gala
Friday 8th May Kids Aloud Charity Choir Concert – 7.30 p.m. at the Royal Hall
Monday 11th May Year 6 SAT week
Monday 25th May Half Term
Monday 1st June Training Day
Thursday 11th June Class photographs
Tuesday 30th June Violin concert at 6 p.m.
Monday 13th July Sports Day 1 p.m.
Thursday 16th July Choir concert
Monday 20th July Leavers concert – 10.30 a.m. at St. John’s Church
Monday 20th July School closes at 2.15 p.m.
Yours sincerely
A Symonds