Parents and School
At Richard Taylor School we recognise and appreciate the considerable practical support given to our children in so many ways. We think that it is very important that attitudes, values and expectations of home and school are in tune with one another. We all develop and learn at different rates but there is a lot of research evidence which stresses that children are more likely to do well when supported by parents. Each term parents have the opportunity to come into school.
Autumn Term
Formal time for parents to meet teachers
Spring Term
Formal parent-teacher interviews
Summer Term
Informal time for parents to visit school
Formal interview possible after reports
If you have any worries, problems or concerns relating to your child please arrange a time to see the class teacher/headteacher as soon as possible. We would be pleased to understand and help resolve any child-related anxiety. The majority of problems can be dealt with in this way. If you wish to pursue a matter further please refer to the complaints procedures held in School.
We welcome parental help in school in a variety of ways; on visits, after school activities, in class and in many practical ways, such as helping in the school library, with school resources and making/ repairing equipment. Please ask if you would like to offer your help.
Parents in the Foundation Stage will also have the opportunity to share in their child’s first year in school through the ‘Learning Journal’ which records through photographs and comments their development at school.
All parents helping in school must have completed a Criminal Records Bureau form for clearance.
All parents and representatives of teaching and non-teaching staff are welcome to join the Friends of Richard Taylor School. The aims of the group are to work for the good of the School in various ways:
(a) by providing help at certain school events
(b) by arranging a termly event which may be either a fundraising event to provide extra facilities in school or a social event to foster closer links between families and school.
(c) Friends Meetings always take place during the 2nd week of each term, take a look at the Diary page for dates.
How can I help? The main way to help your child at school is to let him/her see that you take a real interest in what he/she does at school and that you are keen for your child to achieve the best. Please praise progress and build up the self-confidence of your child in his/her ability.