Dear Parents,
As the national picture continues to develop, I will try to make sure that I provide regular updates for everyone in the RTS community.
If your child is unwell for any reason, please remember to keep them at home as you would normally and contact the school. We have a number of children in school with existing medical conditions and we do not wish to place them at risk of catching any illness.
We have cancelled choir as our largest after school activity to reduce the risk of spreading any viral infection to parents and grandparents at pick up time. Other smaller clubs will continue until we have further guidance.
We ask everyone to take a sensible approach, keeping children off school with coughs, colds and illness and remembering to reinforce the good hygiene message.
At the moment the trip to the theatre for Drama Club and Coverdale Class trip the Mercer Gallery are due to take place but we are speaking to both groups on a daily basis.
As the national picture changes we will obviously keep everyone informed.
We are currently working hard to make sure that we are able to deliver ongoing learning for every class via e-learning platforms in the event of an extended period of closure and having daily updates with our after school club providers.
Andrew Symonds