10 May 2019, Comments: 0

We hope you had a good bank holiday Monday.

On Tuesday, we began our new English topic, which is a book called The Giants Necklace and is about a girl who makes a necklace out of pink cowrie shells. In maths, we practised for year 6 who have SATS next week.


Wednesday, we finished our artwork, which will be proudly displayed on our bed for the Bed Race; our bed has been designed by Mr Kelly, who will sculpt a statue for it. In addition, we wrote our own reading comprehensions, which were for our friends to answer. Sadly, it was raining so we played dodgeball inside instead of athletics. We all look forward to QuadKids, which is a sports tournament coming soon.


On Thursday, we read to the end of The Giants Necklace and we recommend it to anyone in KS 2. We did our maths, which was four operations, and we are practising for SATS. In SPaG, we focused on grammar and recently have been learning about the active and passive voice, present, past perfect, and past and present continuous.


This Friday, we did all kinds of maths, including angles and fractions, and then we did some algebra. After our maths lesson, we had a practice-reading test with our talk partners and friends. In the afternoon, we did guided reading.


We hope you have a lovely weekend. See you next week!

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