Hello and welcome to our first Wharfedale blog. Recently, the new year sixes have been assigned buddies. Buddies are the new reception starters, the older children are helping the new starters at lunchtime, by helping them to get their lunch and to help them settle into school.
The UCI also known as the bike race is allowing some of the year sixes go to the cycling race only fifteen could go so seven from Wharfedale and eight from Wensleydale.
In maths, we have been reading big numbers, ordering negative numbers and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000.
We are reading the book ‘Wonder’ written by the author RJ Palacio. We are learning about ‘show don’t tell’, which is describing something without mentioning what it actually is! This new skill will help improve our writing.
We have also been doing some RE with Mrs. Whitley and we thought about how God made the world.