2 December 2016, Comments: 0

This week Wharfedale have been getting ready for Christmas. At the start of the week Mrs Saunderson put up the Christmas lights. We’ve also been making our Christmas cards, but we don’t want to tell you anymore in case it is a surprise. Everyone has also been busy making their Christmas games for the fair.


On Thursday, we began advent in school. It started by us walking up to church and collecting 3 things from Simon. Can you guess what they were? The first item was our countdown candle, and then our advent calendars (one for every class) and finally, the Posada. As you can guess everyone is trying their best so they get to have a chocolate or look after Mary, Joseph and the donkey. There were also pictures on the walls, which told the story of the Nativity day by day.

Don’t forget to also write your wish on Mr Symonds stars, so we can display them around the whole. There will also be the Christmas tree coming to our school, provided by Roots and Fruits.

Have fun eating your chocolate!

Bike competition

During the October half term holidays, Wharfedale and Wensleydale had to do a bike safety poster for homework. These could include facts or no facts, colour or no colour – well you could do anything as long as it was connected to bike safety. This was for a competition the North Yorkshire Police would judge. On Tuesday they came in and gave the winners their prizes. We also had a special guest, which was the Deputy Chief Officer and he had never been to a primary school in Harrogate. There were 10 runner ups and 10 winners. The runner ups got 2 reflective lights with 4 LED lights and the winners got bike lights.




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