29 September 2017, Comments: 0

Thank you for supporting your children so well during their first full-time week in class, they are settling well into new routines and expectations.

Well done to Louie, Grace and Cameron who started off our show and tell brilliantly.

This week we will be getting ready for Harvest festival and learning all about seeds. We will be looking at where seeds come from and how they grow. We will be planting different seeds in the classroom and daffodil and crocus bulbs in our garden.

We will be busy counting seeds, comparing sizes and colours of different seeds and making patterns.

We will be listening carefully to the initial sounds in words this week and playing lots of games inside and outside the classroom. Your child might enjoy going on an hunt at home to find as many things as they can that start with a sound E.G ‘d’ – dog, door, doll etc..

Show and tell this week: Oliver. P, Dawda, Hugo

Thank you!

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