School Day
Times of School Day
School doors open at 8.50 a.m. and close at 9.00 a.m. after this time pupils must enter school through the main entrance.
School starts 9.00 a.m. (staff are responsible for the children from 8.50 a.m.)
Lunch 12.00 – 1.00pm
School ends 3.15 p.m.
The hours spent on teaching each week (excluding breaks and assembly) are:
KS1: 22 hours 15 minutes (Years 2, 1, R)
KS2: 23 hours 30 minutes (Years 6, 5, 4, 3)
Collection & Delivery of Children
For the children’s safety and well being we ask that parents let us know of alterations to normal collection arrangements, preferably in writing. We appreciate that emergencies can arise and we hope to be supportive in such cases. For the children’s safety we ask parents not to use the Car Park entrance. We ask that you avoid parking on the yellow zig-zag lines outside the school entrances. We realise that finding space to park is sometimes difficult, but urge you to remember that the zig-zag lines are there to protect the children. If you park in these areas you are actually making it very difficult and potentially dangerous for children walking to and from school.
The Start of the Day
School gates open at 7.20 a.m. and classroom doors open at 8.50 a.m. If you arrive after 9 O’clock, children should be taken to the main school entrance and signed in before joining their class. The Hall Lane gate is closed at 9.05 a.m. approximately and reopened at 2.45 p.m. Pedestrian access to school between these times is via the Bilton Lane gate only. If for any reason you need to collect your children before the end of the school day, please inform your child’s teacher and collect your child from the main entrance where you will be required to sign your child out.
Morning Playtime
Children may bring fruit, vegetables or cheese to school to eat during morning playtime. They are also encouraged to bring named bottles of water to school. This supports our Health Education Policy.
The End of the Day
The school day ends at 3.15 p.m. If a parent does not arrive to collect their child, the school will make every effort to contact them. Children will be asked to wait in the entrance hall to be collected. Please try to contact the school if you know you are going to be late.
Behaviour in School
Good behaviour is necessary to support the following aims of our school.
- that all those who work in or visit our school will exhibit behaviour in keeping with these aims and our ethos
- that those who work in or visit our school will:
- value and appreciate one another and themselves irrespective of gender, age, race or creed and acknowledge that everyone has a part to play within our school community
- listen with respect to one another and be conscious never to damage another’s self esteem
- develop self-discipline, and the ability to learn independently and work co-operatively
- be helped to feel good about themselves
- to foster a caring attitude for the school environment, including the building, inside and outside areas, equipment and personal effects
We try to achieve these aims through praise, encouragement and incentives and so provide for every child’s need for security and personal development. Our full policy on behaviour management is available in school and on the school website.
Cycling to School
The school has a cycle rack and children are welcome to cycle to school. Younger children must be accompanied by a parent. Children in Year 6 can cycle unaccompanied when they have completed a cycling proficiency test which school will organise during the Autumn Term. In all cases, if you wish your child to cycle to school you should first collect a form from the school office.