15 March 2018, Comments: 0



In maths, we have been looking at finding missing angles and how to calculate the angle itself. This was as if we were detectives trying to find answers from the clues. We looked at angles on a straight line, triangle, quadrilateral and around a point. We really enjoyed it. Mrs Saunderson was really pleased with how well we have done.

In guided reading, we have been learning how camels survive in the desert, and how they adapt to the harsh environments. Camels have long eyelashes, in a sandstorm, they can close their eyes and no sand will get into their eyes. Also, they have the ability to close their nostrils and protect all their face.

Our topic for this term is Survivors! It is all about people who have survived a terrible event. We have read the story of Mauro Prosperi, who attempted to run the Marathon of the Sands, but failed. It was really interesting. We finished the week writing a persuasive letter – using loads of different features, like, repetition and emotive language.

In PE, we are going to play basket ball with a visitor. Also, some of us play dodgeball on Wednesday afternoons after school. Charles was a supercatcher.

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