24 May 2019, Comments: 0


On Monday we used inverted commas in our writing, which was based on the Giants Necklace. We created our own ending for the story and checked with our talk partners. On Thursday and Friday we wrote our own newspaper reports about a missing girl and enjoyed the creative writing; in fact an author even came in to talk to us about imagination and her new book, called Wild Spark.



This Monday, we did a sheet which was about finding different methods to make 20. In maths, we have been doing some fun logic problems including escape the castle and would you rather…?



Now that it’s summer and SATs are over, we have been doing lots of sports, to our classes delight, and are preparing for a massive rounders competition. On Tuesday, some children participated in Quad Kids and we came 3rd out of 10! With Sporting Influence, we did sprinting games and races with our partners and we are all looking forward to sports day, which tests our ability to work as a team.


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