13 March 2020, Comments: 0

We have been extremely busy this week in Dentdale!

For science week we have we have also been enjoying science themed story times and had lots of interesting discussions about science and famous scientists. We had fun investigating ways to keep our ice lollies cold on a hot day. Wrapping them in bubble wrap was the best because of the trapped air. We learnt the meaning of words like insulate and insulation. We also went on a short Spring walk around the school grounds to spot signs of spring.

We all thoroughly enjoyed a judo taster session with Glynn on Tuesday and learned some great moves! On Wednesday we had a walk to Bilton Library where we enjoyed sharing books together and exploring the library with Kath and Richard.

We have also begun learning about Florence Nightingale and how she changed the face of nursing.

For Sports Relief on Friday we had a fantastically active session with Mr Sarmento (Isaac’s Dad) doing Zumba. Everyone was active for a full 40 minutes, even Mrs J! Then we ran laps of the playground to achieve at least a mile, even Mrs J! It was wonderful to see the class showing the resilience to keep running.

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