27 March 2020, Comments: 0

The First Week of New Ways

We have made it to Friday under a new way of living and learning together. We have proved that Togetherness can be achieved through ‘virtual’ contact and the power of writing, photographs and shared ambition. It has been a privilege to hear from everyone, children and parents, who have made use of Teams and email. Please remind anyone from our school community who you are in communication with to log on and read our class blogs as regularly as possible.


Do What Feels Right

Mr Symonds has written a school newsletter, which he will be sending out to you very soon, which reminds parents and children not to worry about completing all the learning content which has been set on class online platforms. We understand that all families are adapting to their own individual daily routines, whatever they may look like. Those learning experiences which are achieved through spending time together; being out in the garden, cleaning together or playing games, will be as precious and as important as anything else. These early days of new routines are crucial days for easier anxiety and finding joy at your home within an otherwise unsettling and scary world situation. We know from being parent ourselves, that it really is a tricky ‘juggling act’ of just trying to do your best. We cannot stress enough the power of sharing books together, playing board games, singing and having fun together as a family. And if you are busy working from home and feeling the frustrations of entertaining your little people- take it from us- you are doing your best. Go easy on yourself. This is a shared feeling.


Social Media Forum Advice

Please be extra vigilant at this time of your children’s use of apps like ‘WhatsApp’, ‘Messenger’, ‘Instagram’, ‘Facebook’ and even texting. Although these can all be wonderful of chatting and laughter, they can unfortunately be very damaging to our children’s emotional wellbeing too. There is a good reason why there are age limits placed on apps- one person’s throw away response can become another’s source of upset. They are not designed for children. If you are going to allow your child to use these ways of communicating with each other, the please, make sure you are regularly checking the content and helping to keep things kind and fun.


Have a wonderful and safe weekend everyone.

Mrs Styles and Mrs Crisell x














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