3 January 2022, Comments: 0

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to a busy week at Richard Taylor School.

Before looking ahead, I would draw your attention to the special Covid update which I have blogged and which will be e mailed to every parent. Unfortunately, we have had further confirmed cases of Covid over the weekend which has led to a number of staff having to self-isolate this week. Please take the time to read the information and help to keep everyone else safe.


Monday will see every class holding it’s own cake sale to raise Money for the Ukraine Crisis Appeal being organised by the DEC. I have been particularly impressed by the children’s response to the war in Ukraine and their determination to help other children in need.

Friday will still see the school celebrate Comic Relief Day with a non-uniform day and talent show for everyone to enjoy. The number of new Covid cases means that we will now be recording the show for children to enjoy instead of a live whole school event.

This week is also British Science Week and the children will be enjoying a range of activities during the week.

The school has also posted on our seesaw platform a competition which children can enter to win free tickets to the Harrogate Theatre Performance of Oliver which will include in its cast some of the children from RTS.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Symonds





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