29 March 2020, Comments: 0


Welcome to week 2 of Amazing Airedale Home Learning


The theme this week is – The Three Billy Goats Gruff

There are many versions of the story to watch online. This is one option –

Seesaw learning activities will be matched to each child/year group. Please access these over the week at a time which suits you.

Be Active

Monday – Stomp like a troll and skip like a goat

Tuesday – Pretend to be the largest Smallest Billy Goat Gruff skipping happily in the meadow on the other side of the river. Count how many times you need to skip around your room /garden to make your heartbeat faster.

Wednesday – Today you are the Middle Billy Goat Gruff – Do you need to skip more/less/the same amount of times around your room/garden to make your heartbeat faster?

Thursday – Today you are the eldest Billy Goat Gruff. Count how many times you need to skip around your room/garden to make your heartbeat faster. Which Billy Goat needed to skip the most/least times?

Friday – Dance to the Trolltog (March of the Trolls) by Edward Grieg

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cd3Mt2SDCw (orchestral)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9qBcq4UDMg (Piano)


Make up a different Three Billy Goats Gruff story with a family member.

You could take turns to contribute a sentence or your could share your ideas and agree on which ones to use in the story. Think about the location, the problem, action and solution. Will your story have a happy ending. Build your story up day be day drawing pictures to show the key parts of the story. Use the pictures to re-tell and/or write the story. (phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 sound mats –


and tricky word strips –


will support writing.

Take Notice


Notice changes in the weather during each day and across the week. Make a weather chart with the days of the week down one side and space for pics and writing alongside.


If you have access to grass you could separate a section of grass to become like meadow. Put a ‘Please do not cut this grass’ label on the grass and observe it closely over the coming weeks. Compare it to the grass which is kept short. What do you notice?


You could cover a piece of grass with a stone (imagining it to be from the Troll’s river!). Move the rock at the end of the week. Compare it with the grass which has not been covered. What do you notice? Can you offer an explanation?


Look closely at pictures of trolls noticing the detail of features such as hair, teeth, eyes, hands, feet etc. features. Think of adjectives to describe each feature eg. mouldy teeth. Draw a troll of your own deciding on how each main feature will look. Use adjectives to describe the features.

Keep Learning

Do some research to find out about Norwegian trolls.

Year 1 Maths – Count to 100 in ones. Count to 100 in tens. You could do this when playing hide and seek! Lay out counters/raisons/pencils or anything else in rows of ten. How many rows, how many objects? If you add 1 more how many will there be?

Y1 Phonics – Revise phase 3 and 5 using phonics play flashcards

Practice reading words with phase 3, 4, 5 using phonics play Buried Treasure


FS Phonics – Phonics play games as year 1 phase 2 and 3

FS Maths – Play a board game using 2 dice and calculating the total




Sometimes it can be tricky staying away from family and friends. Draw and encouraging picture for someone different each day. Add a message just for them. Take a photo and send it to your special person or show it to them on a video call.



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