6 October 2017, Comments: 0

Well done to all of the children in Bishopdale for their excellent behaviour and super singing during our Harvest Festival and a big thank you to everyone that came along to join us in our celebrations.

The children have enjoyed their learning based around Harvest this week. Over the next two weeks will be thinking about Autumn and looking out for changes in the environment. The children are already noticing changes and have enjoyed bringing in different leaves that have fallen off the trees. Our book this week will be ‘The Little Red Hen’. We will be retelling the story, drawing pictures of our favourite animals from the story and baking bread. We will have lots of fun estimating and counting this week and continuing to learn our numicon shapes.

We will be learning all about the letters and sounds t, p and i this week. You may want to find and draw some pictures or make things that start with these sounds, listen for them when you talk and help your child practice writing these letters at home (please use the jolly phonics sheets in book bags to practice).

Show and tell this week: Amelie, Jake, Olivia

Thank you!

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