10 June 2016, Comments: 0

Welcome back Bishopdale for the last half-term!


Everyone has made a fabulous start to their last half term in Bishopdale.

There are many things to look forward too including the eagerly anticipated arrival of caterpillars, a trip to Harwood House, and a performance for parents on our transition to Y1 afternoon, 13th July (please see letter in book bag for details).

Despite all the excitement the children are showing just how grown up and sensible they can be, and are looking forward to welcoming the new starters when they come to visit.

This week the children have designed and built wonderful bear dens, using their numeracy skills brilliantly to solve problems.

The highlight of the week was going on a bear hunt, and finding a bear!!


The first clue was up the willow tree. We think the bear must be a good climber!

The children were excellent hunters, looking, listening and reading clues.


We wondered what the bear had been cooking, and……

Who had been eating the fruit in the den?

Our bear hunt took us through a river – splash,

splosh, splash, splosh…


…….and over some stepping stones, jump, hop, jump, hop.

Whilst hunting for more clues in the peace garden we discovered that the rain had bought the snails out.



Finally we found the bear looking for berries in the wildlife area.

She growled a little until Lily bravely offered her an apple and invited her to come to Bishopdale and be our friend.

What a happy ending!



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