16 September 2019, Comments: 0


Monday 9.9.19

Today in Maths we looked at adding and subtracting 100. We looked at using a numberline, part, part whole and bar chart. In literacy we were introduced to our topic book Kensuke’s Kingdom. During our ICT we found information about our topic author Kensuke’s Kingdom.

Tuesday 10.9.19

We continued looking at adding and subtracting 100 in maths and continued with Kensuke’s Kingdom in Literacy. Our Science lesson today was looking at water and learning how to write up our experiments.

Wednesday 11.9.19

Today in Literacy we decided what would be an advantage/dis-advantage of selling everything and going to sea for a lifetime’s adventure. We looked at a clip of a family who had done this and what they thought. In the afternoon we did handwriting and then moved to Nidderdale to join in with singing.

Thursday 12.9.19

Today we were having a debate about whether or not the characters in our topic book should go sailing, which Mrs Styles was thrilled with! We learnt the meaning of bar models; we also revised part, part wholes. In P.E we are learning ball skills (throwing and catching in different passes) so we can play bench-ball.

Friday 13.9.19

Today the theatre productions came to perform “The Jungle Boo[k,” followed by collective worship. In P.E we enjoyed playing a fun game of bench ball. Our maths this week included finishing of the purpose of bar models. By Rose J Lily E

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