2 February 2020, Comments: 0

Before we look to the week ahead we need to celebrate the achievement of Jay from Swaledale who received his trophy from Harrogate in Bloom for winning the competition to design the flower bed which is opposite Betty’s in town. The picture below shows Jay looking at his trophy.

On Monday after school the friends are holding their first coffee morning of the Spring Term. The money raised will be used to help fund the outdoor track that we are planning for the field; please come along and buy yourself a cake. Also on Monday the choir will be rehearsing in the school hall.

On Tuesday some of the children from Wharfedale and Wensleydale will be visiting the council chambers in town where they will be given a tour by the Mayor of Harrogate. We welcome Rev Andy Patrick to lead our worship on the theme of service and responsibility. Also on Tuesday our Eco Ambassadors will be meeting in the library at 1pm.

Wednesday sees the children from Airedale and Bishopdale on a trip to the Rainbow Factory. Back at School The Drama Club will be meeting after school whilst the children in year 5/6 continue to participate in the Tchouckball Event at HHS. Other clubs after school on Wednesday include the ‘Wellbeing Sports Club’ run by Sporting Influence and the Board Games Club run by Mr Starkey.

On Thursday afternoon we will be holding our termly Big RE ‘Shine & Share’ afternoon on the theme of ‘stories from the life of Jesus.’

Friday sees the school maths team taking part in the annual schools mental maths competition at Harrogate Grammar School whilst back at school it is the friends prayer group meeting at 2.15pm and the chess club after school.

Finally, I would like to share a copy of the prayer, which the children created with Reb Grace Cauldwell during last week’s Tuesday worship

God loves us,

God cares for us, God Respects us

God made us,

God is always there for us,

God believes and trust us,


The photos below show Jay receiving his trophy and the the yellow jumper winners from last week.

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