10 March 2017, Comments: 0

We have been learning lots of different strokes in our swimming and we are all thoroughly enjoying it and looking forward to our next lesson.

In our maths we have been learning about fractions, Erin says the work on fractions has been amazing and fun and she is eager to learn more.

Scene 1.

Barnes: In our literacy we have started looking at playscripts. (with enthusiasm)

Edward: It has been lots of fun acting out different scenes and we can’t wait to write our very own.

We have started to build our very own robots, we are making these from recycled materials that we have brought into school. Next week we are going to start painting them, keep an eye out for some pictures.

Finally, in our science we have begun looking at light; we are focussing on whether objects are transparent, translucent or opaque.

We hope you have enjoyed reading our blog, please come back soon for more updates.


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