18 May 2020, Comments: 0

Hello Swaledalers,

We are so impressed and proud of all your home learning. We’ve had some great work around our theme of animals: lots of amazing maths; some thoughtful prayers and hopes; fantastic artwork and some super Science going on. You have all been busy well done!


This week, as well as our other work, we are looking at patterns in number, art and nature. Mr Starkey has shared news of a film competition and Mrs Trenam has got some art ideas for you to try around the theme of animals and pattern. We will also look at the artist Andy Goldsworthy and how he has used nature to make patterns.

We have a TTRockstars battle against Nidderdale starting Monday at 11am and finishing at 3pm on Friday so good luck. It’s a great way of practising your times tables. You will find your login at the front of your reading diary as well as a multiplication square, which will help you with any trickier questions. Any problems with logging on please let us know.

This week’s sport is athletics. Everyone can have a go, you can use whatever you have at home to complete the activity, so look out for the instructions.

Don’t forget to send your photo for our virtual class photos; we need them by Wednesday. The address is: swaledale@richardtaylor.ycway.uk Remember, portrait, not in bright sunlight and in school uniform. Thank you if you’ve already done it.


Also Mental Health Awareness Week will take place from 18-24 May 2020. The theme is ‘kindness’.

Think of ways you can be kind to yourself and others, not just this week but always!

There are some ideas here and there will also be other ideas on Seesaw.



Have a good week,

Mrs Norman and Mrs Heard

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