25 March 2020, Comments: 0

Good morning all,

May I invite you all to join in giving thanks for the glorious weather we are currently experiencing!



Be Active

Try a walk some/run some repeating pattern for your daily exercise. This could be done inside by marching then jogging on the spot.


Play mirror me. This can be done with an immediate family member. Alternatively, it can be played with a non-present family member or friend via video call etc. Both partners face each other and take turns to be the leader. The leader must stand or sit in one place whilst choosing movements using any body parts. The partner mirrors the movement. After the activity both partners discuss how they felt. Which movements helped them feel more connected?

Take Notice

Make a window frame from an old packet. Hold the frame close to places of interest and observe the detail with curiosity. Explain your thinking and ask questions. This can be done inside or outside if you are able.

Keep Learning

Position a set of toys in 2’s and count them – 10 or 20.

Put 4 pairs of socks in a row. Discuss how many pairs and how many socks. Ask your child to predict how many socks there will be if you add 1 more pair or if 1 pair is lost.

Using a row of connected squares draw a number line from zero to 10. Write in the even numbers only. Colour in the other squares blue to indicate water. Roll a dice and jump up the number line in ones. If you land in the water, go back to the start. If you are able to create a big number line outside your child can practise jumping up the numbers line in 2’s. Your child may enjoy pretending to be a frog. Roll a dice to see how many jumps you need to make. Try to calculate which number you will land on.


Give your help with a smile.

You are always amazing Airedale!

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