22 July 2016, Comments: 0

During this week everyone is very excited as it is the last full week we have in school. We have had the year fives from Wensleydale come and do some activities with us while the year sixes did rehearsing for the year six leavers service.


In maths we did a maths challenge. This maths challenge was where you had a grid and you had the numbers one to twelve (1-12). There are 78 prisoners in a square cell block of twelve cells. The clever prison warder made it easy to check if the prisoners were all there by arranging them so there is 25 on each wall. How did he do it? If you would like to have a go type in google https://nrich.maths.org/934 or get a grid like this one ààààààà

We also did a murder mystery where you had to find out the murderer by solving maths problems.


In literacy we watched a clip for the advertisement for the 2016 Rio Olympics. If you would like to watch the clip type in google http://www.literacyshed.com/rio-olympics.htm. We watched the clip and then got into pairs and started to plan what to write next time we get together. Next time we wrote a little more about the Olympic trailer except we didn`t finish it. However the day after that we finished it and went to mark each other’s work.


In R.E we were looking at the Prodigal Son and also looked at the 10 commandments.

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