14 December 2017, Comments: 0

This week as every week has been amazing in Coverdale!

On Monday, we had our spelling test first thing in the morning. After that, we had division in maths using the bus stop method. In the afternoon, we did an experiment with Mrs Atkinson about feet. It was fun.

This Tuesday, we did our nine o’ clock work and then we were excited to see the KS1 nativity, which was brilliant! Then we planned for a letter based on Kensuke’s Kingdom. In the afternoon, the choir went to the Bar Methodist Church to sing some Christmas songs while everybody else did French with Mrs Atkinson.

Wednesday, we had Mrs Lovell teaching us. In maths, we did Christmas symmetry. Literacy was acrostic poems for Christmas. In the afternoon, we did art.

Today, we had worship early because of the nativity. Then Gregor came in (he is kits mentor). He also uses a talker to communicate. We asked him many questions and he set us a game to play. We also did a maths reasoning paper. In the afternoon, we did art.

Tomorrow, we will do literacy and after that we will do division in maths and it will be Christmas jumper day to raise money for the Children’s Society. We will also have our school Christmas Lunch.


William and Lucy


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