23 February 2018, Comments: 0

I hope you all had a great half term!

On Monday, we had our spelling test. Then, we began to learn decimals in maths. In literacy, we were learning about direct speech. In the afternoon, we had an assembly about water safety by the RNLI. They taught us how we should react if we were in a dangerous situation, in water. After that, we did some spelling.

This Tuesday, we did maths and in Literacy, we did some more work on direct speech. In the afternoon, we had Mrs Atkinson teaching us for French and ICT where we made fake texts to Tim Peake. In French, we learnt about the seasons and the months.

Wednesday, we continued our work with decimals in maths. In the afternoon, we did two minutes activities in PE including skipping, shuttle runs, forward rolls and star jumps.

Thursday, we did some spelling tasks and we continued with decimals in maths. In literacy, we did some work on speech; we converted our Tim Peake texts into direct speech. In the afternoon, we practiced our poem for World Book Day.

Today, we continued with decimals in maths and practised performing our poem for World Book Day.

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