3 February 2017, Comments: 0


We started the day with spellings and the 7x tables. We tried to do as many as we could in 60 seconds .Then we watched Aladdin, it was AMAZING. Afterwards we did guided reading.


Today we looked at a job advert to see what qualifications are needed to become an astronaut. After play we watched a live science link to discover if we can train our taste buds. We looked at mixed number fractions and improper fractions in maths. In the afternoon we watched a video about keeping safe on the internet. We talked about what information we shouldn’t share.


Today, we looked at more fractions in maths and got our new KIRF targets. We did some space dance with Mrs Harrison and in the afternoon we used commas to separate clauses.


Today, we were converting mixed number fractions to improper fractions (it was very hard). Afterwards, we did art. We printed nebuli with sponges, on black paper. In literacy we started sentences with interesting openers so in our persuasive letter we would not start sentences with I.


Today we had Mrs Lauber teaching us for the day. We did some space art work with pastels on very dark green card which was then laminated! After that, we did some very tricky maths. In the afternoon, we did some interesting French and science. We finished some research on a pilgrimage.

By Tom and Maisie

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