9 December 2016, Comments: 0

Christmas countdown


We learnt about cubed and squared numbers. If you don’t know how to do this just ask us.


We were treated to the dress rehearsal of KS1 nativity today. It was brilliant. We all remembered when we took part. The afternoon was spent doing kirfs and some origami trees with Mrs Crisell.


We had a visit this afternoon by Jess who taught us all about bones. We asked lots of questions.


We had literacy today and worked on pro-nouns and prefixes. In the afternoon we made stars using wool on card. They look beautiful and some are hanging in the classroom. Our Journey artwork is now on display in KS2 corridor so please come in and look.


Mrs Atkinson taught science today all about teeth. It will be a very busy afternoon as it is the RTS Christmas Fayre. Hope to see you there.


By Charlie and Bob

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