6 January 2017, Comments: 0

Coverdale’s blog





Hello. Today we practised our seven times table and in literacy we wrote six sentences that started with ISPACE. During our seven times table practise,

“6×7 is 42 Mrs Harrison flung her shoe” in the bin. The teachers thought of a legendary topic which is space! We also set our new targets for

this term and made some space front covers.


In maths, “6×7 is 42 Mrs Harrison flung her shoe” and it nearly hit Charlotte. We all found it really funny. In art we are painting a rocket to improve our brush skills. In P.E. we did a space dance and we did it in groups and made a human rocket.


Sadly today Mrs Atkinson was ill and Mrs Crisell was at Reading talking about Science so Mrs Lovell our new supply teacher came to school.

Mrs Lovell’s rules:

Amazing behaviour

Hand up

First time

Work quietly

In the afternoon we are making poster about teeth.

We are also learning about journeys in R.E







ALFIE AND TOM (Coverdale’s new bloggers)

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