27 April 2020, Comments: 0

We hope enjoyed the pirates theme. You did some great work. We especially loved seeing the activities you have done outdoors in this wonderful weather.

Don’t forget to look at the Well Being tab on the RTS homepage. There are some great resources listed.

This week our theme is Habitats! Our activities are posted on Seesaw:

*Find out about different habitats: macro (big) and micro (small)

*Write a description of a habitat using adjectives.

*Make a habitat background in a cereal box or shoe box for a wild animal. Draw your wild animal or use a toy one. You could do some collage.

* Talk to a grown up and explain why a lion can’t live in the ocean!

*Do the Alphabet hunt challenge

*Get moving dance activity…. and lots more!

Maths this week

Our daily maths activities are continuing with fraction action (link:
https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/ – Summer Week 2). They are listed on Seesaw. Just do what is maneagable. Don’t print off unless you want to- answers on paper are fine with us. Some of you copied the pictures which is a great idea too!

This week’s maths game is FAST MATHS FACTS! Enjoy! All you need is a pack of playing cards .Keep logging on to Topmarks and ICT games too to keep your mental maths skills sharp!

If you didn’t use this
PE on line free learning resource, have a look and choose a theme:

Parent email: parent@richardtay-2.com
Password: richardtay


Our key spellings this week are plant animal live (Challenge spellings: ocean, desert, mountain)

Write them in rainbow colours, think about the shapes of the words and use them in your writing this week. Work hard to learn them!

If you can already spell them, collect a list of other plant or animal words and make your own word bank (in alphabetical order too!).

Keep safe and well and d HAVE FUN!

Love from Mrs Phelan and Mrs Jackson x


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