19 March 2020, Comments: 0

Hi Dentdale

We are really sorry not to be able to teach you all but we are looking forward to doing some ‘virtual learning’ together.

Please look regularly at Dentdale’s Blog page, as it is Mrs Phelan’s and Mrs Jackson’s way to keep in touch with you and your families while school is closed.

Below are a list of things that we would like you to do to keep you learning while you are at home:

  • Practice mental maths skills each day- use www.ictgames.com or www.topmarks.co.uk.
  • Enjoy reading a book, comic or magazine each day (read aloud to a grown up as well as on your own).
  • Practice those all important phonics skills: www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
  • Use the non-screen activities sheet (in the pack you brought home from school)
  • Be mindful of our 5 ways to wellbeing which we promote at school: Be Active, Connect, Notice, Keep Learning, Give. These will be even more important while you and your families are at home.

Most exciting is Seesaw – use this from next week to check out our online learning activities. You had a QR code and information to get you logged in at home, in your home learning pack. We will be posting learning tasks for you and we will update them each Monday. Mrs Phelan and Mrs Jackson will be very excited to follow the activities each of you are doing and will be able to respond to you.

Be busy! Stay safe! Most of all ….keep smiling!

Mrs Phelan & Mrs Jackson

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