9 October 2022, Comments: 0

This is another very busy week at RTS as we celebrate Harvest with a focus on reducing waste, we will be accepting donations of fresh and tinned produce from Monday. Half of all donated goods will be taken to the Harrogate Food Bank with the other half being distributed to the elderly in the community at our harvest tea on Friday.

The Harvest Festival will take place in the Hall on Wednesday 12th October from 9.15am. All parents of new children are warmly invited to join us for our first harvest festival in three years. We recognise that many parents have missed the chance to join us in the hall for previous celebrations; we will be recording each classes contribution and sharing it with everyone via our secure you tube page by the end of the week for everyone to enjoy.

This Monday 10th October is World Mental Health Day where people all around the globe will be raising awareness of the importance of talking about mental health. The charity, Young Minds, ask people to wear something yellow in order to show support for mental health. We are hoping to brighten our day with some yellow sprinkled onto our Richard Taylor blue…please do not spend money on anything new…anything goes! You could make a yellow badge or wrap a yellow ribbon around a hairband, for example. Other uniform should be worn. We are asking for no donations as our aim is to raise awareness of this important issue.

Also, on Monday Bob and I will be hosting the delayed Tea and Cake from Friday for all of those children who should have joined us last week for outstanding manners.

On Wednesday 12th after school, we will be holding our parents early reading and phonics information evening in the Hall from 6.30pm. We hope that many parents from Bishopdale, Airedale, Ribblesdale and Dentdale Classes will be able to attend. Refreshments will be available before and after the talk.

Thursday after school is the final gardening club meeting of the half term.

Friday is also the day of the Tempest photographs for individuals and siblings, this will take place in the morning with the Harvest Community Tea taking place in the afternoon.

Finally good luck to Liz from our wonderful kitchen team who will be running the Amsterdam Marathon next weekend. We wish her all the best and look forward to seeing her safely back at school for the final week of the half term.

The photos below show some of the children receiving their Summer Reading Challenge Certificates, well done to everyone who reached their reading target.

Andrew Symonds

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