11 October 2020, Comments: 0

Welcome to the start of the penultimate week of the first half term. By now parents will have all received notification that the online booking system for next week’s parent’s consultation evening is live and that time slots are available for everyone to book.

The final week of the half term will also contain our Harvest Festival. The newsletter will provide everyone with more details of the celebration. Everyone will be able to enjoy the contributions of our classes when the event is shared via our, you tube page. We are asking families to make a donation of tins, packets or toiletries which we will pass onto the Harrogate Foodbank after a period of safe storage. Please don’t send in donations prior to the day of the festival on Thursday 22nd October.

Whilst many of our communications with parents have been dominated by safety messages related to Covid-19 I want to be able to share with you much of the wonderful work that out children have been producing this term. The class blogs will share much of what is being done I will be using my final blog of the term next week to celebrate some of the wonderful work completed in the different classes.

Andrew Symonds

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