10 February 2023, Comments: 0

As it is half term week it is an opportunity to celebrate some of the amazing things that happened in the last week of term at RTS.

We must begin with the space cadets from Coverdale Class who had an amazing time exploring the solar system at RTS over night on Thursday. Well done to all the children who were amazing and the staff who volunteered to stay overnight and help with the camp.

On Friday the children from Dentdale enjoyed their own pyjama day as a reward for achieving their class target this half term.

Also, on Friday the children from Wharfedale and Wensleydale held a fantastic intra-school hockey tournament which was enjoyed despite the chilly conditions.

All of the pupils at school have been concerned about the conditions facing children in Turkey and Syria whose lives have been shattered by the terrible earthquake. Many of them have spoken to me about how the school can help them, and we will be planning a fundraiser after half term.

I hope that everyone can have an enjoyable half term and I look forward to seeing everyone for the 2nd half of the spring term.

The photos below show children from Coverdale enjoying space camp 2023.

Andrew Symonds





The Space Cadets from Coverdale Class tell you about their amazing Space camp 2023

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