12 June 2022, Comments: 0

This week begins with the children from year six beginning their Bikeability session. These sessions will run throughout the week as the children learn the important skill of riding safely on the road. This is also an important week for the children in year four who undertake their national multiplication tables check. During the afternoon I will be speaking at the St Aidan’s careers conference for the first time in three years, I look forward to hopefully seeing some ex-students at the event.

On Tuesday we look forward to welcoming Laura from St John’s to lead our worship and Mr Groves who will be meeting the gardening club who continue to prepare their vegetable box for the Yorkshire Show.

On Wednesday the children from Bishopdale and Airedale will be enjoying their trip to Askham Bryan whilst at school Mrs Crisell and a group of chosen scientists will be giving a presentation to the Royal Society for Science on the schools work on understanding where our food comes from and how we can grow our own. At 6pm we look forward to welcoming the parents from our September 2022 intake who will be visiting school to meet teachers, governors, the kitchen team, friends group and FunClub team as we help them to prepare for the new academic year.

This week also sees the 2nd session of an exciting partnership with Harrogate Town who are completing a series of special lessons with a group of children from key stage two. I know that last week’s session was very well received.


The link above will take you to a special article from the Ogden Trust featuring an event which was hosted by RTS and included some of our children.

The photographs below show the gardening club working on their growing vegetable box.

The QR Code will take you to a special interview with some of the children from Year Six who began the first session of their lunchtime girls football training which was very popular with the younger children last week.

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