13 September 2020, Comments: 0

Welcome to week two of the new term. I want to start by thanking everyone for the way in which you have helped the school as we re-opened. The staggered starts and social distancing at the start and end of the school day has been working well.

The children are enjoying being back at school and I am incredibly proud of the way that they have done everything that has been asked of them and have worked really hard.

As new restrictions come into force on Monday we will continue to do everything we can to keep the children and staff safe in school. The newsletter gave a list of the events that we will be seeking to hold this term; at the moment these events will be held virtually with parents unable to come into the school building.

After speaking to the friends we have decided to postpone the meeting which was due to be held on Monday 14th September until later in the autumn term when it will have to be held using an e-platform.

Thank you, stay safe,

Andrew Symonds

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