12 June 2020, Comments: 0

This week the school learned that the government had dropped its ambitions to fully re-open primary schools for a month before the end of the current academic year. We are very conscious that this means for many children they will not physically return to school before the start of the new academic year. We continue to be amazed at the hard work which our children and families are putting into their home learning through seesaw we are actively looking at ways in which we can use technology for teachers to be able to say goodbye to their current classes and say hello to their new classes for September 2020. We want every child to feel as prepared as they can be for the new academic year.

I would love to be able to give you more information about what school will look like in September 2020 but I can promise that we will be as ready as we can be and we will have helped families to prepare their children for the new academic year.

Our year six children have missed out on so many of the activities which make their final term so special. We are determined as a school to ensure that they get the opportunity to return to school before the end of term to celebrate their successes. We are also planning a very special leaver’s service for our last Wednesday worship of the year.

Those children who have been able to return to school have had another busy, if a little soggy, week in their isolated groups/bubbles. We are hoping for better weather in the next couple of weeks.

Congratulations to all of the year five and six children who took part in the home sport cricket event organised by the Harrogate Sports Partnership. I am delighted to report that they came first in their category with the results as follows:

1st: Richard Taylor – 1449 points

2nd: Dacre Braithwaite – 311 points

3rd: Bishop Monkton C – 236 points

4th: Markington – 165 points


Look out for more news about our special virtual sports day coming very soon.

Andrew Symonds

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