Welcome to the final week of what has been a very bust first half term of the school year.
The link to the recording of the Harvest Festival can be found at the bottom of this blog. It has also been shared by class teachers via the class seesaw page. Thank you to everyone who gave so generously last week. Photos of the Harvest Display can be found on our website gallery page Gallery | Richard Taylor School, Harrogate (rtsharrogate.com)
and at the bottom of the Blog. The Harrogate Food Bank will be collecting the tins and packed donated on Monday 17th October.
It will also be lovely to welcome Mr Starkey back to school on Tuesday following his paternity leave. We are very busy showing prospective parents around school; the window for September applications is now open on the NY website. Please encourage anyone you know who is thinking of applying to contact the school and book themselves on a tour.
This week we will be celebrating the achievements of the latest children chosen to be super pupils for each class. On Thursday we welcome Lauren Doherty to school to give road safety talks to our children.
This is also the week of our online parents’ consultation evenings on Wednesday and Thursday. Please contact the school if you have been unable to book an appointment.
I hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable half term and I look forward to welcoming everyone back for what will be a wonderful second half term.
Andrew Symonds
The photos below show the harvest festival gifts and harvest tea.