21 March 2022, Comments: 0


We need to start the week by celebrating some very important news. You will see from the photograph below that Mrs Crisell has won an award for teaching at the European Science on Stage Conference which was held in Prague last week. She won the award for her work on a project called: ‘Food for the 21st century, making a difference. We are all hugely proud of Mrs Crisell and her achievements which have been rightly recognised. We look forward to welcoming her back to RTS on Monday.

This week in national Autism Acceptance Week and Mrs Styles will be leading our work on this in school including leading a worship time to raise awareness for our children. If you as a parent would like to learn more about this then please visit https://www.autism.org.uk/get-involved/raise-money/world-autism-acceptance-week-2022

where you will find more information.

We welcome our local police team to RTS on Monday when Lisa Wilson will be speaking to the children in KS1 about the importance of Road Safety. On Tuesday the chess club will be holding their second session of the term whilst on Wednesday the children in Swaledale Class will begin their ‘Cooking in Yorkshire’ Project. On Thursday Mr Starkey will be leading our Cross-Country Team to Harrogate High School where they will be participating in the local finals, good luck to all of our competitors.

This week is also our Spring Term Parent’s Evening on line. If you are having any problems in booking your appointment please contact the school office.

The four stars of last week have been our newly hatched ducklings, after a weekend with Mrs Gibson and family they are returning to school where they will be given their first swimming lesson.

Thank you to everyone who supported our recent Comic Relief Day, the event raised over £250 for the charity.

Finally it is my very sad duty to inform parents of the recent death of Julia Arundale. Julia was a parent and teaching assistant for a short period of time at RTS before moving onto a full-time role. She has passed away suddenly and her family remain in the thoughts of everyone at RTS at this very sad time.

Below are the photos of our new ducklings and Mrs Crisell receiving her award on stage in Prague.

Andrew Symonds

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