26 February 2023, Comments: 0

This is one of the busiest weeks in the school diary so far this year.

Thank you to all of the friends who helped with last week’s spring term discos which all of the children enjoyed.

On Monday we have a non-uniform day and cake sale for the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal. This is one of those very special occasions where the children themselves have asked to help. The sale will raise much needed funds for families who have lost everything following the devastating earthquake; Please help if you can. We will be selling any remaining cakes after school on Monday. Our wonderful kitchen team will be preparing allergy aware cakes so that every child can join in

It is also the start of FairTrade Fortnight 2023, over the next two weeks the children will be learning about the people who grow many of the foods that we enjoy the most. All of the children will be joining live Teams meetings with farmers from around the world.

On Tuesday afternoon we will be holding our latest Parent Wellbeing Drop-in from 2pm. Please come along for a coffee and chat with Mrs Styles and other parents.     

Wednesday is week two of our animation club which is being enjoyed by everyone.

Thursday is a very special day as we celebrate World Book Day 2023. Please remember the children can either dress up as a character for the day, wear pyjamas and a dressing gown or stay in uniform. The day will be full of activities celebrating the joy that enjoying a good book can bring.

The week will end with Tea and cakes for good behaviour and Chess Club week two.

The photos below show the children making pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and the yellow jumper winners from last week.

Andrew Symonds

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